Welcome to the sketchbook project page! Here will be displayed the entries of all the participants which so far include Lupe from london, Kate from Liverpool, a maybe from Alice and Steven from London and of course your truly.
Other possibles on my list so far include:
Becky (Preston)
Artycho (Chester)
Members of our Liverpool Urban Craft collective
Tanya (London)
Anna Camamiel (Italy)
Sonia (France)
The 1rst theme is going to be: NIGHT AND DAY
Interpret this in any way you like, literally or in the most obscure way if you prefer!
The order of 'appearance' in the sketchbook so far:
I will post the book to Lupe in a while who will then post it back to me so that I can scan her contribution and show it on this page. And so on. Rules ect will be included on the first page.
So get your pens and gouaches out and time to think about the theme... xxx Lo
Inspiring links below